性别:女 学历:研究生 学位:博士
联系方式:zhanglin_hz@zufe.edu.cn 办公地点:9-413

    (1)Li Yixiao*, Zhang Lin, Huang Chaogeng, Shen Bin. The structural robustness of

    geographical networks against regional failure and their pre-optimization[J]. Physica

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    (3)Zhang Lin,Kun Hua,Honggang Wang,Guanqun Qian,Li Zhang.Sentiment

    Analysis on Reviews of Mobile Users,The 9th International Conference on Future

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    (6)Zhang Lin, QianGuanQun, ZhangLi.Network motif and triad significance

    profile analyses on software system[J].WSEAS TRANSACATIONS ON

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    (7)Zhang Lin, Qian Guanqun, Zhang Linghua,Zhang Li.Measuring User

    Satisfaction of Networked Software Based on User Behavior[C].2009 WRI World

    Congress on Software Engineering WCSE 2009,4:43-48(EI)

    (8)Zhang Lin, Qian Guanqun, ZhangLi.Clustering analysis of motif significance

    profile in software networks[C],10th WSEAS International Conference On

    Mathematical Methematical Methods And Computational Techniques In Electrical



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    [2]自动卡箍夹紧方法, 2018.1.30,中国, ZL201610176026.0。(2/4,发明专利,已授权)



